Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mmmkay...For any of you Photoshoppers out there...

Worth1000.com. It's a website that holds contests and such for Photoshoppers. They have tutorials and members who are willing to mentor newbs to photoshpping, as well. And as a bonus, they have things like photography contests for those who would rather leave their art as it is. And, if you just don't want to (or have the time to) photoshop, you can simply browse their seemingly endless galleries of olds contests and photos. Some good stuff there.

Bonnaroo is slowly approaching...Tickets went on sale this past Friday (so, if you haven't already bought yours, it's too late to get a chance at the golden ticket...sorry). The festival'll be June 14-17 and is going to be the best festival yet. Some of the bands that I'm looking forward to are:

The Police
Franz Ferdinand
The White Stripes
The Decemberists

There a tonss of other awesome acts that'll be there, though...So...If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, get 'em while you can (or before they raise the price!!)!

iSketch. It's an online multiplayer game where you have to draw various things in order to try to get the other players to guess what it is. You get points for answering them correctly, and whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins. Amazingly fun & addictive, but depending on when you try to log in, the servers may be too full to let anyone in.

Outsiders - Franz Ferdinand
MarchToWar - The Backup
Treason - Kutless
Anna Molly - Incubus

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