I've been neglecting this blog. How...Sad. Anyways, I've got another album for you guys to check out. Some of you may remember I posted about a band called A Brief Smile a while back. Well, they've got a new album coming out on October 2nd called "Now We All Have Horns." [You can listen to it here.] I asked the guys a few questions about the upcoming album:
Villains Are People Too: The cover art is rather unusual. Care to explain?
DL: Well. There is a horn in there if you look carefully. Our friend Miles Gilbert (milesgilbert.org) did the art for the record. He had recently done a flyer for us that was heavily inspired by Wurm, and we wanted to do something similar to the flyer for the cover of the record. It was fun to dig up all of those sweaters, now we have a great collection.
VAPT: Both the sound and the look of this album is quite different from R.E.S.T. What inspired this?
John: from "r.e.s.t." there was a kind of escape in the tracks that went more inward than outward and with "now we all have horns" we're really stretching out towards the environments we found ourselves in. hence the more natural looking, more nature oriented, more free aesthetic of the record as a whole. we're still striving for the whole grand without being grandiose thing but the message is somewhat more soothing now that we've matured...like a whole year.
VAPT: What's your favorite song off the album, and why?
Jared: Tairs In The Cloth; I like the way it flows from start to finish and the really contrasting sections. I think the recording of that one came out really well.
Louie: Electric Willows and Tairs In The Cloth came out well. Both of the songs have perfect moods. They feel great. I'd write
more but I don't want to reveal how much I like our music.
DL: At the moment, it is "Hold Tight, Electric Willows." It's always fun to play it live because it's got a different tuning and I really like how it came out on the record.
John: my favorite song off of the record might have to be 'electric willows'. it just a really powerful song that launches you like a crazed hyperdrive and then folds into a drowning fractal of your greatest fears.
Garrett: Probably The Sky Will Crack; I spent many hours trying to figure out how to work with the harmony of that song.
[Read the full interviews here.]
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